Trust, data and unlocking value in the digital financial services workplace
Written by Sarah Kruger , Managing Director — Talent & Organization Lead for Financial Services Australia
It’s also important to mention that within financial services, many employers possess information about their employees as customers too. While this presents an additional opportunity to glean valuable customer insights it could potentially pose the risk of a conflict of interest. Privacy issues around customer data gathering are significant, and those issues could be compounded when the customers are employees as well. Thus, t h ese new capabilit ies represent both a goldmine and a minefield , with trust at the heart of the effort.
But there’s another very important consideration when it comes to trust and workplace data gathering. The need for higher levels of trust among the employee population could create a stronger case for including more women in leadership positions within the financial services sector.
Decoding the organisation’s DNA in an environment of trust
However, only 30% of leaders are confident these processes are being used responsibly . That’s a significant cause for alarm. If this effort is going to be successful, it must be undertaken within an environment of trust. There are indications that w omen could hold the key to advancing this type of environment .
Are women the drivers of organisational trust?
Recent PEW research on gender traits and leadership reveals the following key insights:
- Roughly six-in-ten adults ( 59%) think female business leaders are more compassionate and empathetic than male leaders .
- T hree-in-ten adults (30%) believe female leaders are more honest and ethical than male leaders .
These results could point to the strategic advantage of having more women in leadership positions as organisations move in the direction of decoding their DNA . Coincidentally, one of the advantages women see in making financial services their career choice is the opportunity to create relationships and make a difference in people’s lives . Thus, the organi s ational need to create a more trust-based and relationship-oriented work place dovetails very nicely with many women’s desire to contribute to creating this type of environment.
For more information about decoding organisational DNA , please see Accenture’s report : “ Putting Trust to Work―Decoding Organizational DNA: Trust, Data and Unlocking Value in the Digital Workplace”
Originally posted here
Originally published at on February 18, 2021.